Surface Piano [UPD]
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Pianos are wonderful music machines but they also represent potential dust magnet and can end up covered in unsightly fingerprints and marks over time if not properly polished and cared for. But where do you start when polishing your piano?
One common type of piano features a lacquer finish similar to your average pieces of household wooden furniture. You can see the grain of the wood underneath the lacquer and if not properly polished you risk scratching and damaging the lacquer and the finish.
Some pianos are finished with polymer which results in a dark and reflective surface that looks nice but is easily ruined by fingerprints and other marks. These sorts of pianos are more scratch resistant than lacquered pianos and are also easier to get a high shine from.
Over time, piano keys naturally become soiled and marked with dirt and oils from fingers. You can polish your piano keys easily using a soft, clean cloth, lightly dampened with a mixture of water and mild soap or detergent. Wipe the keys back to front to ensure excess moisture does not leak into the workings of the piano or between the keys and be sure to use another dry cloth to buff off the keys as you go.
Spray, buff, and enjoy your shiny piano! Buff high-gloss pianos in a circular motion. Always use a gentle microfiber cloth -- never use paper towels or rough cloths to buff your high-gloss piano. We recommend Cory Excalibur cleaning cloth for flawless application and easy cleaning.
Piano keys should be cleansed with Cory Key-Brite, which is specially formulated to cleanse the keys without a slippery or greasy residue. Piano polish should only be used on the exterior surface of the piano, and you should avoid spraying cleaners on the action of your piano.
Yes! Cory is water based and free of waxes and oils, so it is safe to use on any glossy lacquered surface. Tables, furniture, cabinets can all be cleaned safely and effectively with high-quality piano polish.
I love that you explain how best to clean your piano. My parents own a grand piano and what to keep good care of it so their grandkids can play it. Knowing how often to clean it and tune it will be super helpful.
The jolly middle is a glissando. On the piano it is not possible to do it continuously but you have to move as continously as possible from the starting note to the end note. Note that this end note is noted "8va" hence you have to play it one octave higher than written.
Losses of carving to the ornate legs and other parts of the piano also required attention. The first step was to undertake various solvent tests in discreet areas, to ascertain the best method of safely removing the dirt. The solvent which proved most efficient was Industrial Methylated Spirits which allowed the dirt to be lifted from the varnish without affecting the lower layers and, more importantly, not disturbing the painted decoration.
For a first string preparation, try plastic straws. You can experiment with the difference in sound between preparing with a straw between strings 1 and 2 and nothing between strings 2 and 3 of a unison set, and straws both between strings 1 and 2 and also between 2 and 3. Then try this: place a straw between strings 2 and 3 only. Play the note. Then depress the una corda pedal (left pedal) and play the same note. Cool, right? Since the una corda mechanism moves the action over so that the hammers hit fewer strings in the multiple-unison sets, now you have two different prepared piano sounds available at one key, using only the pedal and a single straw!
Cleaning fine musical instruments such as the piano is essential in ensuring its longevity. Proper care and maintenance should be followed to avoid letting dust, perspiration, and other harmful particles damage it. It is also critical to choose the right cleaning products to use particularly for a piano with a black finish. A well-maintained instrument will not only look good but sound good as well.
While it is not required to do a thorough cleaning every single day, make a habit of dusting the piano with a soft cloth after each time you play. This is to make certain that there are no sweat residue or body oils left on the instrument. This clean-after-playing habit would help avoid seeking professional help often.
The care for ebony black piano and black lacquered piano is slightly different from cleaning other pianos with a different sheen or finish. Dust, streaks, and scratches are easily visible on them. This is the reason why regular furniture cleaning products should not be applied to these special musical instruments.
To give proper care to this delicate instrument, it is highly recommended to choose cleaning products that are specially made for them. Choose the appropriate cleaning cloth, cleaning solution, polishes, and conditioners if they are available to you. There is no risk involved and the result is satisfactory. Products used for ebony black piano can work pretty well with poly and lacquer finishes but avoid using satin sheen polish for the lacquer finish as it contains silicone which can be bad for it in the long run. Use other safe options such as soap and water solution if specially formulated cleaning products are unavailable.
The black lacquer finish is applied to the piano to protect the wood from being easily damaged as well as projecting a glossy luxurious look. However, dirt and fingerprint smudges are easily visible due to this type of wood finish. The good thing about it is that it can easily be removed. It only needs a regular cleaning routine, such as gently wiping it with a damp micro fabric cleaning cloth after dusting it off. You can polish black lacquer finish piano with the high-gloss polish, but only if you have to and do not get heavy-handed on the spray. Do not forget to spray it on the cloth and not directly on the piano. Ensure that you only use what is made for this type of finish. Never use silicone-based products.
One of the most frequently asked questions by piano owners is if it is okay to polish the piano. Generally, manufacturers would suggest not polishing it as most polish products have the potential of ruining the finish in the long run. It might even contribute to the corroding of the mechanism if it reaches the insides of the instrument. That being said, there are some polishing products today that can be safely used but sparingly. To avoid over-layering of chemicals onto the surface of the instrument, do not make it a habit to polish it. You can do it but only if necessary.
It is never good to apply any cleaning product before dusting it off first. Dust is the number one culprit in scratching the finish of the instrument. It needs to be removed properly by using a feather duster. Gently dust the surface as well as the keys. To pick up any remaining dust that was not removed by the feather duster, get a soft damp cloth and gently wipe it off. Be sure to remove extra water from the cleaning cloth by wringing it thoroughly. Do not forget to choose any soft cotton fabric and avoid using rough or coarse material.
Oftentimes after cleaning, streaks are visible on the surface of the piano with a black finish and this is due to the circular wiping pattern that people are so used to doing when cleaning anything. Do it properly with long straight strokes when wiping it with a damp soft fabric and then follow it up immediately with a clean, dry cotton cloth. This method is a surefire way to avoid streaking or puddling.
Just like in any cleaning product or polish, not all of them are created equal, and not all of them react the same way to every surface. If unsure of the polish, it is recommended to test its compatibility first in an inconspicuous area. For an elegant black piano finish, you can never be too careful. Make this a habit before using any new product.
The soap and water solution is less risky than any other cleaning product out there, but only if a mild soap is used. For an ebony black piano, a mixture solution of 50/50 is just right to clean the surface particularly those areas with hard stain or dirt. For those with a black lacquered finish, a mixture solution of just a coin-size drop of the liquid soap will do. You may also use oil soap as it works well with wood.
A mixture of denatured alcohol and water is also a great cleaning solution to piano black finishes. It is a type of alcohol where the ethanol content has been adjusted to work as a cleaning agent in furniture finishes. Make sure to dilute the alcohol by using two parts water and one part denatured alcohol to come up with the cleaning solution. Mix it first before applying using a micro fabric cleaning material. Let the solution sit for about half a minute on areas with tough grime or mold for easy removal. Always wipe it dry afterward.
When dealing with hard stains or heavy dirt, it is quite tempting to rub it roughly to ensure that it is removed, but it will damage the surface of the piano. It is best to leave the soap and water mixture on the area and let the mixture softened it up for easy removal. The soap will not be absorbed by the wood finish even if it suds up fast. It will also help in sanitizing the area with the thickest dirt.
One of the misconceptions that most people have and still practice is the use of furniture polish when cleaning musical instruments. These instruments are delicate and in need of special care, but people get confused as the outer layer of the piano is made of wood. For instance, the popular Pledge can work great with all types of wood, but it was not created to be used on pianos. Those with satin finish piano owners would undoubtedly regret polishing them with it as it will only leave grease on it. Just imagine what it would do if the inside mechanism was sprayed on as well; the grease buildup will end up damaging not only the surface but the insides as well.
Regular Windex works great with removing heavy stain and tough dirt, but they are not to be used on ebony black pianos. The ammonia content of the product would damage the finish of the instrument. Undoubtedly, the dirt would be removed, but it would also leave a blue hue on the surface and potentially cause cracks to form that would lead to further damage. 1e1e36bf2d