IoT Simulations With Cisco Packet Tracer
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It translates Packet Tracer packets and protocols to real ones and allows real network interaction with Packet Tracer simulated environment. ASA features such as IPSEC VPN or SSL clientless will be tested soon. Wait for upcoming test results !
Abstract: This paper simulate IoT based smart companies and make our networking infrastructure effective, efficient and most importantly accurate with security. The simulator used is Cisco Packet Tracer, this tool has been used form many years in networking. Main strength of the tool is the offering of a variety of network components that simulate a real network, devices would then need to be interconnected and configured in order to create a network. Technology plays a critical role in all daily activities of the present day. One of these needs is to create a smart office that controls operation and turns off electronic devices via a smartphone. This implementation can be implemented effectively using package tracking software that includes IoT functions to control and simulate a smart office. The latest version of the tool Cisco introduced IoT functionalities, and now it is possible to add to the network smart devices, components, sensors, actuators and also devices that simulate microcontrollers such as Arudino or Raspberry Pi. All the IoT devices can be run on standard programs or can be customized by programming them with Java, Phyton or Blockly. This makes Cisco Packet Tracer an ideal tool for building IoT practical simulations. Smart-Industrial smart-company office offer simulation of a power plant that produces and stores electricity via solar panels and wind turbines. All the electricity is produced by smart devices, then stored and utilized to power a production chain filled with smart sensor and actuators. IoT security features are also introduced in the simulations. Keywords: Internet of things (IOT), Campus Network (CN), networking, wide area network (WAN).
A collection of interconnected devices that deal with communication protocols that are common to share resources provided by nodes of a network over digital interconnections is a computer network. The process of determining the most efficient route from a source to a given target is called routing. Cisco's Enriched Internal Routing Gateway Protocol for IPv6 and the IETF's OSPFv3 (First Version 3 of Open Shortest Path) are two of the most frequently studied IPv6 routing protocols among researchers (EIGRPv6). As a result of the popularity of EIGRPv6 and OSPFv3, it is necessary to undertake a thorough contrast of the two protocols once working inside a minor enterprise network on IPv6. Thus, the study analysed the performance comparison of OSPFV3 and EIGRP with IPv6 networks with regards to convergence time, end-to-end delay, and packet loss. Packet Tracer 6.2.2 was used to compare the performance of routing protocols of different kinds. In the simulation, Cisco routers, switches, and generic computers were employed in the test. In these topologies, standard IPv6 addresses have been used. The findings of the study revealed that EIGRPv6 outperforms OSPFv3. As a result, we advocate using EIGRPv6 as an internal routing protocol in a network of IPv6.
Smart cities are expected to significantly improve people's quality of life, promote sustainable development, and enhance the efficiency of operations. With the implementation of many smart devices, c problems have become a serious challenge that needs strong treatments, especially the cyber-attack, which most countries suffer from it. My study focuses on the security of smart city systems, which include equipment like air conditioning, alarm systems, lighting, and doors. Some of the difficulties that arise daily may be found in the garage. This research aims to come up with a simulation of smart devices that can be and reduce cyber attach. Use of Cisco Packet tracer Features Simulated smart home and c devices are monitored. Simulation results show that smart objects can be connected to the home portal and objects can be successfullymonitored which leads to the idea of real-life implementation and see. In my research make manysolutions for attachingissues,which was great, and apply some wirelessprotocol.
Komunikasi data dalam jaringan sangat diperlukan untuk pertukaran data dan informasi. Teknologi komunikasi berbasis IP (Internet Protocol) dapat diimplementasikan menggunakan VoIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol). VoIP dapat digunakan untuk layanan komunikasi yang dapat mengirimkan pesan, suara maupun video menggunakan jaringan internet yang terhubung dengan IP. Kelebihannya adalah efisiensi terhadap bandwidth, efisiensi terhadap biaya pengelolaan. Di SMK Al-Manar Islamic School Cibarusah siswa jurusan TKJ belum sepenuhnya memahami akan peranan VoIP untuk layanan komunikasi dalam jaringan lokal dengan memanfaatkan infrastruktur jaringan yang ada. Pada pelatihan ini dibuat rancangan layanan jaringan komunikasi VoIP menggunakan Router Cisco sebagai server VoIP dan IP Phone sebagai media komunikasinya. Tujuannya adalah supaya siswa/i memiliki kemampuan dalam melakukan konfigurasi Router Cisco untuk layanan VoIP sekaligus dapat mengimplementasikannya pada jaringan lokal. Metode yang digunakan pada pelatihan ini adalah simulasi dan implementasi. Simulasi dilakukan pada rancangan dengan tools cisco packet tracer, kemudian implementasi konfigurasi VoIP diterapkan pada real device Router Cisco. Hasil konfigurasi pada Router cisco langsung dilakukan pengujian komunikasi menggunakan IP phone 59ce067264